Contact SackJo22

Send them a workshop task, or use their ccmixter contact form


Inspired by nature, the mysterious and harmony


producer songwriter poet

Vocalist ; Bass (rudimentary); Singing Bowls

Working on

mix tone

production skills

Contact SackJo22

Send them a workshop task, or use their ccmixter contact form

SackJo22's tag cloud

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additional alone available baby background bass beautiful believe bell big black blue bowls boy breath breathe bright broken change choices clear connected creative daisy dance dark darkness deep different dream dreams dry earth end event everyone everything experience eye eyes face far feel feeling feet fine fire freesound garden grace green grow growth guitar happy harmony haskel head heart hearts help hexagram history hold home hope iching included inspiration inspired instrumental keep kiss left life light line little live long looking loves lyrics man material matter moment moon need never night ocean open original part parts peace play prayer preview production project pull push reach ready recorded red release remember return rhythm river secret sense separately shadows share shared sharing shines sing singing sky small snowflake sound sounds source space special stars start started stay still sure sweet thought times together transformation tree true truth trying twinkle version vocal vocals voice waiting wanted water white wind words working world written wrong years

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