Contact mwic

Send them a workshop task, or use their ccmixter contact form


Well, I'm your friendly neighborhood hacker-man, as most of you know. Musically, I lean toward jazz, groove, and avant-garde/noise. Oh, and Ravel, and Beethoven.


songwriter instrumentalist

Also software developer

Working on

mix tone, musicianship

analog and acoustic gear

Contact mwic

Send them a workshop task, or use their ccmixter contact form

mwic's tag cloud

You can click a tag if you find it especially appropriate, and it will get "boosted" for others to see
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actual ain't anyone anything art assignment audio bad bass beat better big bill bits blender blind book case changes check children chorus comments couple course dance dry duckett easy electric end enjoy enough error everybody everything fact feel feels fell fight fit fix friend full fun gold guitar gun guy half hands hate head hell help hip honor hope house huh idea kick kind knew known last learn learning licks line listen little long lyrics making mess midi minutes mission monkey monkeys mostly musical name need never news nice night okay old one's part paul paul's perfect performance piano pick pretty probably rap read reason reminded resist rhythm sackjo samples saul scared screen secret section sections seems sense sharing shit short silly site someone sonic sound sounds star starts stick still stuff sure system tag takes tell tempo testing texas thought three title today together toward true uploads upon verse version video wanted war watch wave welcome wipe word world yay years

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